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The 9th Edition 

SHISMUN is Scottish High International School's annual Model United Nations Conference

White House Situation Room


Saddam Hussain crisis, operation Iraqi freedom.

Freeze Date: 15/3/2003


The White House Situation Room committee provides a unique and dynamic platform for delegates to step into the shoes of key decision-makers in the United States government during times of crisis and global uncertainty. As the nerve center of the U.S. executive branch, the Situation Room serves as a hub for real-time monitoring, analysis, and decision-making on matters of national security, foreign policy, and emergency response.  management,

Delegates in this committee will find themselves at the forefront of high-stakes scenarios, tasked with navigating complex geopolitical challenges, managing crises, and formulating strategic responses to emerging threats. With its blend of diplomacy, strategy, and crisis.


Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) stands as one of the most significant military campaigns of the early 21st century, marking a pivotal moment in global geopolitics and reshaping the landscape of the Middle East. Launched in March 2003 by a coalition led by the United States, OIF aimed to topple the regime of Saddam Hussein, dismantle Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs, and promote democracy and stability in the region. 

The operation followed years of escalating tensions between Iraq and the international community, fueled by suspicions of WMD development, human rights abuses, and Iraq's defiance of United Nations resolutions. As troops surged into Iraq, OIF quickly evolved into a multifaceted conflict, characterized by intense combat operations, nation-building efforts, and protracted insurgency. The operation sparked widespread debate and controversy, eliciting diverse opinions on its legality, strategic rationale, and long-term consequences.

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