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The 9th Edition 

SHISMUN is Scottish High International School's annual Model United Nations Conference

United Nations Human Rights Council


Deliberation on the human rights violation and accountability in the Tigray region (Ethiopia) with emphasis on international cooperation.


The Human Rights Council (HRC) is the main organ of the United Nations (UN) “responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe and for addressing situations of human rights violations and making recommendations on them.”Its duty entails responding to urgent human rights situations by addressing issues regarding accountability and liability for violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.


One of the most prominent goals of the Human Rights council is to work on preventing the human rights violations in the Tigray (Ethiopia) region. In this specific region, several human rights violations have emerged and it is important to take measures in order to alleviate the sufferings of the civilians residing over there. The Human rights council along with one of its prominent agencies the Human rights watch (HRW) has issued several reports and statements to address this matter and has made people aware about the lack of humanitarian aid. 

The Human rights council has also taken some on-ground measures like conducting investigations (a fact finding mission) in which they have emphasized on finding the root cause for this issue and also the parties involved and guilty. 

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