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The 9th Edition 

SHISMUN is Scottish High International School's annual Model United Nations Conference

International Press





In Model United Nations (MUN), the term "international press' ' refers to a group of delegates who simulate journalists and media representatives during the conference. In SISHMUN The international press consists of journalists, caricaturists and photographers who play a crucial role in MUN by reporting on the proceedings, debates, and actions of the committees. 

Journalists are members of the international press that write articles relevant to the proceedings in different committees. They are required to show their acumen by observing various debates and reflect their abilities to introspect in their articles.

Caricaturists are required to convey their political outlook through their artistic abilities. Their art has to be inspired by the turbulence of discussion in the committees. Photographers are required to portray their photography skills with the ability to capture spontaneous deliberations in the conference as a whole. Their photos should be able to convey the aura of the conference.

The international press members typically operate as a separate entity within the MUN conference, distinct from the delegates representing countries or organizations. They have their own set of rules and objectives, which may vary depending on the specific MUN conference.

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