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The 9th Edition 

SHISMUN is Scottish High International School's annual Model United Nations Conference

All India Political Party Meet


Exploring the intersection of free speech provisions and the potential escalation of authoritarianism, with a special emphasis on the suspension of MPs


AIPPM, commonly referred to as “All India Political parties meet” is a forum where politicians and people associated with political parties from all across the nation, meet to deliberate and talk about critical issues, formulate policies, and foster consensus on matters of national importance. AIPPM helps in fostering collaboration and bringing about oneness. The All India Political Parties Meet is where the heartbeat of Indian democracy thrives.

Here, leaders from across the political spectrum gather to exchange ideas, negotiate, and strategize on matters crucial to the nation's well-being. Amidst the backdrop of this dynamic exchange, you'll find passionate debates on everything from economic policies to social reforms. It's a melting pot of ideologies, where differing viewpoints collide and blend, creating a rich tapestry of political discourse.

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